Issue Position: Security

Issue Position

While freedom is the core of all human progress, without security, no one is truly free. It is vitally important that we protect both our economic security and national security.

Economic security means our nation and its leaders are being fiscally responsible and making the tough decisions that put our nation on sure footing. The Mack Penny Plan, which cuts 1 percent of the budget for six years, caps spending at 18 percent of GDP and saves $7.5 trillion over ten years, is my proposal to stop Washington's out-of-control spending and curb our country's massive debt. America has always been the nation of ingenuity and entrepreneurship. Millions have come to our shores in search of the promise of prosperity. But unless we confront our debt crisis, we risk losing our economic security and what makes us great.

National security is directly linked to freedom both at home and abroad. Whether liberals in Washington choose to acknowledge it or not, we live in a dangerous world full of individuals that wish the United States harm. Unchecked, these individuals will stop at nothing to breach our security and limit our freedoms. As we saw on September 11, 2001, a group of 19 terrorists attacked our country's two largest symbols of prosperity: the World Trade Center twin towers. We will never forget those we lost that day, and we must fight for our freedom to ensure it never happens again.
